
dummy function that adds OpenCV C header files in C file (cvPyrUp src dst filter)

 //    Name:    cvPyrUp
 //    Purpose: performs factor-2 upsampling of the image with subsequent
 //             Gaussian smoothing.
 //    Context:
 //    Parameters:
 //      src - source image
 //      dst - destination image(must have twice larger width and height than source image)
 //      filter - filter applied. Only IPL_GAUSSIAN_5x5 is allowed.
 //    Returns:
 OPENCVAPI  void  cvPyrUp( const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst,
                           int filter CV_DEFAULT(IPL_GAUSSIAN_5x5) ); (cvPyrDown src dst filter)

 //    Name:    cvPyrDown
 //    Purpose: performs factor-2 downsampling of the image
 //             with prior Gaussian smoothing
 //    Context:
 //    Parameters:
 //        src - source image
 //        dst - destination image(must have twice smaller width and height than
 //                                 source image)
 //        filter - filter applied. Only IPL_GAUSSIAN_5x5 is allowed.
 //    Returns:
 OPENCVAPI  void  cvPyrDown( const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst,
                             int filter CV_DEFAULT(IPL_GAUSSIAN_5x5) ); (cvPyrSegmentation src dst storage comp level threshold threshold2)

 //    Name:    cvPyrSegmentation
 //    Purpose: segments image using iterative multi-scale algorithm 
 //    Context:
 //    Parameters:
 //      src - source image
 //      dst - destination image
 //      storage - pointer to the memory storage
 //      comp - pointer to the output sequence of the connected components
 //      level - number of level to the pyramid costruction
 //      threshold1 - the first segmentation threshold
 //      threshold2 - the second segmentation threshold
 //    Notes:
 //      Source and destination image must be equal types and planes
 OPENCVAPI void cvPyrSegmentation( IplImage* src,
                                IplImage* dst,
                                CvMemStorage *storage,
                                CvSeq **comp,
                                int level, double threshold1,
                                double threshold2 );