(packages/opencv/histogram.lsh) |
dummy function that adds OpenCV C header files in C file (cvCalcEMD signature1 size1 signature2 size2 dims dist_type dist_func lower_bound user_param)
(packages/opencv/histogram.lsh) |
// Name: cvCalcEMD
// Purpose: Computes Earth mover distance(and/or lower bound of it) for given pair
// of signatures. Ground distance can calculated as
// L1, L2 or C distance between features' coordinate vectors or
// using user-defined distance function.
// Context:
// Parameters:
// signature1 - first signature - array of size1 *(dims + 1) elements
// signature2 - second signature - array of size2 *(dims + 1) elements
// dims - number of dimensions in feature space. If 0, then
// signature1 and signature2 are considered as simple 1D histograms,
// else both signatures must look as follows:
// (weight_i0, x0_i0, x1_i0, ..., x(dims-1)_i0,
// weight_i1, x0_i1, x1_i1, ..., x(dims-1)_i1,
// ...
// weight_(size1-1),x0_(size1-1),x1_(size1-1,...,x(dims-1)_(size1-1))
// where weight_ik - weight of ik cluster.
// x0_ik,...,x(dims-1)_ik - coordinates of ik cluster.
// dist_type - CV_DIST_L1, CV_DIST_L2, CV_DIST_C mean one of standard metrics.
// ((CvDisType)-1) means user-defined distance function, which is
// passes two coordinate vectors and user parameter, and which returns
// distance between those feature points.
// emd - pointer to calculated emd distance
// lower_bound - pointer to calculated lower bound.
// if 0, this quantity is not calculated(only emd is calculated).
// else if calculated lower bound is greater or equal to the value,
// stored at this pointer, then the true emd is not calculated, but
// is set to that lower_bound.
// Returns:
// Notes:
OPENCVAPI float cvCalcEMD( const float* signature1, int size1,
const float* signature2, int size2,
int dims, CvDisType dist_type,
CvDistanceFunction dist_func,
float* lower_bound,
void* user_param ); (cvCreateHist c_dims dims type ranges uniform)
(packages/opencv/histogram.lsh) |
// Name: cvCreateHist
// Purpose: Creates histogram
// Context:
// Parameters:
// c_dims - number of dimension in the histogram
// dims - array, containing number of bins per each dimension
// type - type of histogram. Now, CV_HIST_ARRAY is only supported type.
// ranges - array of bin ranges.
// uniform - flag; non 0 if histogram bins are evenly spaced.
// Returns:
// Created histogram.
OPENCVAPI CvHistogram* cvCreateHist( int c_dims, int* dims,
CvHistType type,
float** ranges CV_DEFAULT(0),
int uniform CV_DEFAULT(1)); (cvSetHistBinRanges hist ranges uniform)
(packages/opencv/histogram.lsh) |
// Name: cvSetHistBinRanges
// Purpose: Sets histogram bins' ranges
// Context:
// Parameters:
// ranges - array of bin ranges.
// uniform - flag; non 0 if histogram bins are evenly spaced.
// Returns:
// nothing
// Notes: if uniform parameter is not NULL then thresh[i][0] - minimum value,
// thresh[i][1] - maximum value of thresholds for dimension i
OPENCVAPI void cvSetHistBinRanges( CvHistogram* hist, float** ranges,
int uniform CV_DEFAULT(1)); (cvMakeHistHeaderForArray c_dims dims hist data ranges uniform)
(packages/opencv/histogram.lsh) |
// Name: cvMakeHistHeaderForArray
// Purpose: Initializes histogram header and sets
// its data pointer to given value
// Context:
// Parameters:
// c_dims - number of dimension in the histogram
// dims - array, containing number of bins per each dimension
// hist - pointer to histogram structure. It will have CV_HIST_ARRAY type.
// data - histogram data
// Returns:
OPENCVAPI void cvMakeHistHeaderForArray( int c_dims, int* dims, CvHistogram* hist,
float* data, float** ranges CV_DEFAULT(0),
int uniform CV_DEFAULT(1)); (cvReleaseHist hist)
(packages/opencv/histogram.lsh) |
// Name: cvReleaseHist
// Purpose: Releases histogram header and underlying data
// Context:
// Parameters:
// hist - pointer to released histogram.
// Returns:
OPENCVAPI void cvReleaseHist( CvHistogram** hist ); (cvClearHist hist)
(packages/opencv/histogram.lsh) |
// Name: cvClearHist
// Purpose: Clears histogram(sets all bins to zero)
// Context:
// Parameters:
// hist - pointer to cleared histogram.
// Returns:
OPENCVAPI void cvClearHist( CvHistogram* hist); (cvQueryHistValue_1D hist idx0)
(packages/opencv/histogram.lsh) |
// Name: cvQueryHistValue....
// Purpose: Returns value or histogram bin, given its cooridinates
// Context:
// Parameters:
// hist - pointer to histogram.
// idx0 - index for the 1st dimension
// idx1 - index for the 2nd dimension
// ...
// idx - array of coordinates(for multi-dimensonal histogram)
// Returns:
// Value of histogram bin
// Notes:
// For non-array histogram function returns 0 if the specified element isn't present
OPENCVAPI float cvQueryHistValue_1D( CvHistogram* hist, int idx0 ); (cvqueryhistvalue_2d hist idx0 idx1)
(packages/opencv/histogram.lsh) |
OPENCVAPI float cvQueryHistValue_2D( CvHistogram* hist, int idx0, int idx1 ); (cvqueryhistvalue_3d hist idx0 idx1 idx2)
(packages/opencv/histogram.lsh) |
OPENCVAPI float cvQueryHistValue_3D( CvHistogram* hist, int idx0, int idx1, int idx2 ); (cvqueryhistvalue_nd hist idx)
(packages/opencv/histogram.lsh) |
OPENCVAPI float cvQueryHistValue_nD( CvHistogram* hist, int* idx ); (cvGetHistValue_1D hist idx0)
(packages/opencv/histogram.lsh) |
// Name: cvGetHistValue....
// Purpose: Returns pointer to histogram bin, given its cooridinates
// Context:
// Parameters:
// hist - pointer to histogram.
// idx0 - index for the 1st dimension
// idx1 - index for the 2nd dimension
// ...
// idx - array of coordinates(for multi-dimensonal histogram).
// must have hist->c_dims elements.
// Returns:
// Pointer to histogram bin
// Notes:
// For non-array histogram function creates a new element if it is not exists.
OPENCVAPI float* cvGetHistValue_1D( CvHistogram* hist, int idx0 ); (cvgethistvalue_2d hist idx0 idx1)
(packages/opencv/histogram.lsh) |
OPENCVAPI float* cvGetHistValue_2D( CvHistogram* hist, int idx0, int idx1 ); (cvgethistvalue_3d hist idx0 idx1 idx2)
(packages/opencv/histogram.lsh) |
OPENCVAPI float* cvGetHistValue_3D( CvHistogram* hist, int idx0, int idx1, int idx2 ); (cvgethistvalue_nd hist idx)
(packages/opencv/histogram.lsh) |
OPENCVAPI float* cvGetHistValue_nD( CvHistogram* hist, int* idx ); (cvGetMinMaxHistValue hist value_min value_max idx_min idx_max)
(packages/opencv/histogram.lsh) |
// Name: cvGetMinMaxHistValue
// Purpose: Finds coordinates and numerical values of minimum and maximum
// histogram bins
// Context:
// Parameters:
// hist - pointer to histogram.
// idx_min - pointer to array of coordinates for minimum.
// if not NULL, must have hist->c_dims elements.
// value_min - pointer to minimum value of histogram( Can be NULL).
// idx_max - pointer to array of coordinates for maximum.
// if not NULL, must have hist->c_dims elements.
// value_max - pointer to maximum value of histogram( Can be NULL).
// Returns:
OPENCVAPI void cvGetMinMaxHistValue( CvHistogram* hist,
float* value_min, float* value_max,
int* idx_min CV_DEFAULT(0),
int* idx_max CV_DEFAULT(0)); (cvNormalizeHist hist factor)
(packages/opencv/histogram.lsh) |
// Name: cvNormalizeHist
// Purpose: Normalizes histogram(such that sum of histogram bins becomes factor)
// Context:
// Parameters:
// hist - pointer to normalized histogram.
// Returns:
OPENCVAPI void cvNormalizeHist( CvHistogram* hist, double factor ); (cvThreshHist hist thresh)
(packages/opencv/histogram.lsh) |
// Name: cvThreshHist
// Purpose: Clears histogram bins that are below specified level
// Context:
// Parameters:
// hist - pointer to histogram.
// thresh - threshold level
// Returns:
OPENCVAPI void cvThreshHist( CvHistogram* hist, double thresh ); (cvCompareHist hist1 hist2 method)
(packages/opencv/histogram.lsh) |
// Name: cvCompareHist
// Purpose: compares two histograms using specified method
// Context:
// Parameters:
// hist1 - first compared histogram.
// hist2 - second compared histogram.
// method - comparison method
// Returns:
// value, that characterizes similarity(or difference) of two histograms
// Notes:
OPENCVAPI double cvCompareHist( CvHistogram* hist1,
CvHistogram* hist2,
CvCompareMethod method); (cvCopyHist src dst)
(packages/opencv/histogram.lsh) |
// Name: cvCopyHist
// Purpose: Copying one histogram to another
// Context:
// Parameters:
// src - source histogram
// dst - destination histogram
// Returns:
// Notes: if second parameter is pointer to NULL(*dst == 0) then second
// histogram will be created.
// both histograms(if second histogram present) must be equal
// types & sizes
OPENCVAPI void cvCopyHist( CvHistogram* src, CvHistogram** dst ); (cvCalcBayesianProb src number dst)
(packages/opencv/histogram.lsh) |
// Name: cvCalcBayesianProb
// Purpose: Calculates bayesian probabilistic histograms
// Context:
// Parameters:
// src - array of source histograms
// number - number of source/destination histograms
// dst - array of destination histograms
// Returns:
// Notes:
OPENCVAPI void cvCalcBayesianProb( CvHistogram** src, int number,
CvHistogram** dst); (cvCalcHist img hist donotclear mask)
(packages/opencv/histogram.lsh) |
// Name: cvCalcHist
// Purpose: Calculating histogram from array of one-channel images
// Context:
// Parameters:
// img - array of single-channel images
// hist - histogram to be calculated. It must have as many dimensions as number of
// images in <img> array.
// doNotClear - if not 0, the histogram is not cleared before calculations.
// mask - optional mask that determines pixels that participate in histogram
// accumulation.
// Returns:
// Notes: if doNotClear parameter is NULL then histogram clearing before
// calculating(all values sets to NULL)
OPENCVAPI void cvCalcHist( IplImage** img, CvHistogram* hist,
int doNotClear CV_DEFAULT(0),
IplImage* mask CV_DEFAULT(0) ); (cvCalcBackProject img dst hist)
(packages/opencv/histogram.lsh) |
// Name: cvCalcBackProject
// Purpose: Calculates back project of histogram
// img - array of input single-channel images
// dst - destination single-channel image
// hist - histogram, used for calculating back project. It must have as many
// dimensions as the number of images in the <img> array.
// Context:
// Parameters:
// Returns:
// Notes:
OPENCVAPI void cvCalcBackProject( IplImage** img, IplImage* dst,
CvHistogram* hist ); (cvCalcBackProjectPatch img dst range hist method normfactor)
(packages/opencv/histogram.lsh) |
// Name: cvCalcBackProjectPatch
// Purpose: Calculating back project patch of histogram
// Context:
// Parameters:
// Returns:
// Notes:
OPENCVAPI void cvCalcBackProjectPatch( IplImage** img, IplImage* dst, CvSize range,
CvHistogram* hist, CvCompareMethod method,
double normFactor );