(packages/opencv/eigenobjects.lsh) |
dummy function that adds OpenCV C header files in C file (cvCalcCovarMatrixEx nobjects input ioflags iobufsize buffer userdata avg covarmatrix)
(packages/opencv/eigenobjects.lsh) |
// Name: cvCalcCovarMatrixEx
// Purpose: The function calculates a covariance matrix for a group of input objects
// (images, vectors, etc.).
// Context:
// Parameters: nObjects - number of source objects
// input - pointer either to array of input objects
// or to read callback function(depending on ioFlags)
// ioFlags - input/output flags(see Notes to
// cvCalcEigenObjects function)
// ioBufSize - input/output buffer size
// userData - pointer to the structure which contains all necessary
// data for the callback functions
// avg - averaged object
// covarMatrix - covariance matrix(output parameter; must be allocated
// before call)
// Notes: See Notes to cvCalcEigenObjects function
OPENCVAPI void cvCalcCovarMatrixEx( int nObjects, void* input, int ioFlags,
int ioBufSize, uchar* buffer, void* userData,
IplImage* avg, float* covarMatrix ); (cvCalcEigenObjects nobjects input output ioflags iobufsize userdata calclimit avg eigvals)
(packages/opencv/eigenobjects.lsh) |
// Name: cvCalcEigenObjects
// Purpose: The function calculates an orthonormal eigen basis and a mean(averaged)
// object for a group of input objects(images, vectors, etc.).
// Context:
// Parameters: nObjects - number of source objects
// input - pointer either to array of input objects
// or to read callback function(depending on ioFlags)
// output - pointer either to output eigen objects
// or to write callback function(depending on ioFlags)
// ioFlags - input/output flags(see Notes)
// ioBufSize - input/output buffer size
// userData - pointer to the structure which contains all necessary
// data for the callback functions
// calcLimit - determines the calculation finish conditions
// avg - averaged object(has the same size as ROI)
// eigVals - pointer to corresponding eigen values(array of <nObjects>
// elements in descending order)
// Notes: 1. input/output data(that is, input objects and eigen ones) may either
// be allocated in the RAM or be read from/written to the HDD(or any
// other device) by read/write callback functions. It depends on the
// value of ioFlags paramater, which may be the following:
// The callback functions as well as the user data structure must be
// developed by the user.
// 2. If ioBufSize = 0, or it's too large, the function dermines buffer size
// itself.
// 3. Depending on calcLimit parameter, calculations are finished either if
// eigenfaces number comes up to certain value or the relation of the
// current eigenvalue and the largest one comes down to certain value
// (or any of the above conditions takes place). The calcLimit->type value
// CV_TERMCRIT_NUMB | CV_TERMCRIT_EPS. The function returns the real
// values calcLimit->maxIter and calcLimit->epsilon.
// 4. eigVals may be equal to NULL(if you don't need eigen values in further).
OPENCVAPI void cvCalcEigenObjects( int nObjects, void* input, void* output,
int ioFlags, int ioBufSize, void* userData,
CvTermCriteria* calcLimit, IplImage* avg,
float* eigVals ); (cvCalcDecompCoeff obj eigobj avg)
(packages/opencv/eigenobjects.lsh) |
// Name: cvCalcDecompCoeff
// Purpose: The function calculates one decomposition coefficient of input object
// using previously calculated eigen object and the mean(averaged) object
// Context:
// Parameters: obj - input object
// eigObj - eigen object
// avg - averaged object
// Returns: decomposition coefficient value or large negative value(if error)
// Notes:
OPENCVAPI double cvCalcDecompCoeff( IplImage* obj, IplImage* eigObj, IplImage* avg ); (cvEigenDecomposite obj neigobjs eiginput ioflags userdata avg coeffs)
(packages/opencv/eigenobjects.lsh) |
// Names: cvEigenDecomposite
// Purpose: The function calculates all decomposition coefficients for input object
// using previously calculated eigen objects basis and the mean(averaged)
// object
// Parameters: obj - input object
// nEigObjs - number of eigen objects
// eigInput - pointer either to array of pointers to eigen objects
// or to read callback function(depending on ioFlags)
// ioFlags - input/output flags
// userData - pointer to the structure which contains all necessary
// data for the callback function
// avg - averaged object
// coeffs - calculated coefficients(output data)
// Notes: see notes to cvCalcEigenObjects function
OPENCVAPI void cvEigenDecomposite( IplImage* obj, int nEigObjs, void* eigInput,
int ioFlags, void* userData, IplImage* avg,
float* coeffs ); (cvEigenProjection eiginput neigobjs ioflags userdata coeffs avg proj)
(packages/opencv/eigenobjects.lsh) |
// Name: cvEigenProjection
// Purpose: The function calculates object projection to the eigen sub-space(restores
// an object) using previously calculated eigen objects basis, mean(averaged)
// object and decomposition coefficients of the restored object
// Context:
// Parameters: nEigObjs - number of eigen objects
// eigInput - pointer either to array of pointers to eigen objects
// or to read callback function(depending on ioFlags)
// ioFlags - input/output flags
// userData - pointer to the structure which contains all necessary
// data for the callback function
// coeffs - array of decomposition coefficients
// avg - averaged object
// proj - object projection(output data)
// Notes: see notes for cvCalcEigenObjects function
OPENCVAPI void cvEigenProjection( void* eigInput, int nEigObjs, int ioFlags,
void* userData, float* coeffs, IplImage* avg,
IplImage* proj );