a neural net class with one convolutional layer and two fully connected
layers. The main purpose of this class is to make replicable 2-hidden
layer fully connected networks. (new net-cff iniinjki0kj0tbl0f1thickoutthickprm)
[CLASS] (packages/gblearn2/net-cff.lsh)
makes a new net-cff module. ini
inj : expected max size of input for preallocation of
internal states ki0
kj0 : kernel size for first convolutional layer a standard
fully-connected network can be obtained when ini
= ki0 and inj
= kj0 . tbl0
: table of connections between input anf feature maps for first layer
f1thickk : number of hidden units in second hidden layer.
outthick : number of outputs. prm
an idx1-ddparam in which the parameters will be allocated.