
dummy function that adds OpenCV C header files in C file (cvMoments array moments binary)

 //    Name:    cvMoments
 //    Purpose:
 //      Calculates moments(up to third order) of the image ROI.
 //      It fills moments state and after that, it is possible to
 //      return concrete moments using
 //        cvGetSpatialMoment, cvGetCentralMoment or
 //        cvGetNormalizedCentralMoment
 //    Context:
 //    Parameters:
 //        img - input image
 //        moments - output moments state.
 //        binary - if non zero, function treats non-zero pixels as 1s.
 //    Returns:
 OPENCVAPI void cvMoments( const CvArr* array, CvMoments* moments, int binary CV_DEFAULT( 0 )); (cvGetSpatialMoment moments xorder yorder)

 //    Name:    cvGetSpatialMoment, cvGetCentralMoment, cvGetCentralNormalizedMoment
 //    Purpose:
 //      Returns different moments(up to third order) from moments state.
 //        for raster image, these moments are defined as:
 //        mij = spatial_moment(i,j) = sum(y=0,H-1) sum(x=0,W-1) [I(x,y) *(x^i) *(y^j)]
 //       (where I(x,y) means pixel value at point(x,y). x^y means x power y).
 //        muij = central_moment(i,j) = sum(y=0,H-1) sum(x=0,W-1)
 //                                     [I(x,y) *(x-mean_x)^i) *((y-mean_y)^j)]
 //       (where mean_x = m10/m00, mean_y = m01/m00.
 //         it's easy to see that mu00 = m00, mu10 = mu01 = 0)
 //        nu_ij = central_normalized_moment(i,j) = muij/(m00^((i+j)/2+1))
 //    Context:
 //    Parameters:
 //        moments - moment state( filled by cvMoments or cvContourMoments )
 //        x_order - x order of the moment
 //        y_order - y order of the moment.
 //        The following condition has to be satifsied:
 //          0 <= x_order + y_order <= 3
 //    Returns:
 //        Required moment
 OPENCVAPI  double  cvGetSpatialMoment( CvMoments* moments, int x_order, int y_order ); (cvGetCentralMoment moments xorder yorder)

 //    Name:    cvGetSpatialMoment, cvGetCentralMoment, cvGetCentralNormalizedMoment
 //    Purpose:
 //      Returns different moments(up to third order) from moments state.
 //        for raster image, these moments are defined as:
 //        mij = spatial_moment(i,j) = sum(y=0,H-1) sum(x=0,W-1) [I(x,y) *(x^i) *(y^j)]
 //       (where I(x,y) means pixel value at point(x,y). x^y means x power y).
 //        muij = central_moment(i,j) = sum(y=0,H-1) sum(x=0,W-1)
 //                                     [I(x,y) *(x-mean_x)^i) *((y-mean_y)^j)]
 //       (where mean_x = m10/m00, mean_y = m01/m00.
 //         it's easy to see that mu00 = m00, mu10 = mu01 = 0)
 //        nu_ij = central_normalized_moment(i,j) = muij/(m00^((i+j)/2+1))
 //    Context:
 //    Parameters:
 //        moments - moment state( filled by cvMoments or cvContourMoments )
 //        x_order - x order of the moment
 //        y_order - y order of the moment.
 //        The following condition has to be satifsied:
 //          0 <= x_order + y_order <= 3
 //    Returns:
 //        Required moment
 OPENCVAPI  double  cvGetCentralMoment( CvMoments* moments, int x_order, int y_order ); (cvGetNormalizedCentralMoment moments xorder yorder)

 //    Name:    cvGetSpatialMoment, cvGetCentralMoment, cvGetCentralNormalizedMoment
 //    Purpose:
 //      Returns different moments(up to third order) from moments state.
 //        for raster image, these moments are defined as:
 //        mij = spatial_moment(i,j) = sum(y=0,H-1) sum(x=0,W-1) [I(x,y) *(x^i) *(y^j)]
 //       (where I(x,y) means pixel value at point(x,y). x^y means x power y).
 //        muij = central_moment(i,j) = sum(y=0,H-1) sum(x=0,W-1)
 //                                     [I(x,y) *(x-mean_x)^i) *((y-mean_y)^j)]
 //       (where mean_x = m10/m00, mean_y = m01/m00.
 //         it's easy to see that mu00 = m00, mu10 = mu01 = 0)
 //        nu_ij = central_normalized_moment(i,j) = muij/(m00^((i+j)/2+1))
 //    Context:
 //    Parameters:
 //        moments - moment state( filled by cvMoments or cvContourMoments )
 //        x_order - x order of the moment
 //        y_order - y order of the moment.
 //        The following condition has to be satifsied:
 //          0 <= x_order + y_order <= 3
 //    Returns:
 //        Required moment
 OPENCVAPI  double  cvGetNormalizedCentralMoment( CvMoments* moments,
                                               int x_order, int y_order ); (cvGetHuMoments moments humoments)

 //    Name:    cvGetHuMoments
 //    Purpose:
 //      Calculates seven Hu invariants from normalized moments
 //    Context:
 //    Parameters:
 //        moments - moments state.
 //        hu_moments - Hu moments
 //    Returns:
 typedef struct CvHuMoments
     double hu1, hu2, hu3, hu4, hu5, hu6, hu7; /* Hu invariants */
 } CvHuMoments;
 OPENCVAPI void cvGetHuMoments( CvMoments*  moments, CvHuMoments*  hu_moments ); (cvNorm imga imgb normtype mask)

 //    Name:    cvNorm, cvNormMask
 //    Purpose:
 //      Calculates different types of norm for single or a pair of images
 //    Context:
 //    Parameters:
 //        imgA - first input image
 //        imgB - second input image
 //        mask - determine pixels that are considered in norm calculation
 //        norm_type - type of the norm.
 //                                imgB == 0           imgB != 0
 //         ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 //          CV_C:               ||imgA||_inf      ||imgA - imgB||_inf
 //          CV_L1:              ||imgA||_L1       ||imgA - imgB||_L1
 //          CV_L2:              ||imgA||_L2       ||imgA - imgB||_L2
 //         ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 //          CV_RELATIVE_C:       forbidden       ||imgA - imgB||_inf/||imgB||_inf
 //          CV_RELATIVE_L1:      forbidden       ||imgA - imgB||_L1/||imgB||_L1
 //          CV_RELATIVE_L2:      forbidden       ||imgA - imgB||_L2/||imgB||_L2
 //    Returns:
 //      required norm
 OPENCVAPI  double  cvNorm( const CvArr* imgA, const CvArr* imgB, int normType,
                            const CvArr* mask CV_DEFAULT(0) );