8.5.2. Serial Port

This package provides a simple interface for writing data to a serial port. It does not yet provide functions for reading from the serial port. low-level serial port functions

These functions provide a low-level interface to the serial port. (serial-close fd)

close file descriptor fd . (serial-open port speed bits parity stop)

Open a serial port for writing. port can be any serial device, e.g. "/dev/ttyS0", or "/dev/ttyS1". speed : baud rate, which can take one of the following values: 0 50 75 110 134 150 200 300 600 1200 1800 2400 4800 9600 19200 38400 57600 115200. bits : number of data bits. Can be between 5 and 8. parity : parity mode, can be "N" (no parity), "E" (even), or "O" (odd). stop : number of stop bits. Can be 1 or 2. (fd-write-byte fd c)

write unsigned byte c to file descriptor fd . (fd-write-string fd s)

write string s to file descriptor fd . (fd-read-byte fd c)

Read one unsigned byte c from file descriptor fd . When not data is available, this function waits until at least one byte is received. Returns -1 if an error occurs. (fd-read-test fd)

Test if data is available for reading on file descriptor fd using the unix function select(2). serial-port

A class for writing to a serial port. (new serial-port port speed bits parity stop)
[CLASS] (packages/devices/serial.lsh)

Create a new serial-port object. port can be any serial device, e.g. "/dev/ttyS0", or "/dev/ttyS1". speed : baud rate, which can take one of the following values: 0 50 75 110 134 150 200 300 600 1200 1800 2400 4800 9600 19200 38400 57600 115200. bits : number of data bits. Can be between 5 and 8. parity : parity mode, can be "N" (no parity), "E" (even), or "O" (odd). stop : number of stop bits. Can be 1 or 2. The serial port is closed automatically upon destruction of the object. (==> serial-port write-byte b)
[MSG] (packages/devices/serial.lsh)

write unsigned byte b to serial port. (==> serial-port write-string s)
[MSG] (packages/devices/serial.lsh)

write string s to serial port.