Linear Algebra

This provides such things as linear system solving, matrix inverse, eigenvalues of symmetric matrices, and singular value decomposition for real and complex matrices. Most functions have two version, a "high-level" version (generally a macro) which allocates and returns results and does not touch the input arguments, and "low-level" version which writes results into pre-allcoated arguments and which may overwrite the content of input arguments. The low-level versions avoid allocation and copy that may be unnecessary. They are identified with the -inplace suffix to the name. eigenvalues, eigenvectors
(packages/libnum/linalgebra.lsh) (eigen-symm m)

Compute eigenvalues of symmetric real matrix m . The vector of eigenvalues in descending order is returned. (eigen-symmv m eigenvec)

Compute eigenvalues of symmetric real matrix m . A vector of sorted eigenvalues is returned, and the eigenvectors are written in matrix eigenvec . (eigen-herm m)

Compute eigenvalues of Hermitian complex matrix m . A vector of sorted eigenvalues is returned. (eigen-hermv m eigenvec)

Compute eigenvalues of Hermitian complex matrix m . A vector of sorted eigenvalues is returned. matrix decompositions (SVD, LU cholesky, QR, tridigonal, householder).
(packages/libnum/linalgebra.lsh) SVD: singular value decomposition

[from the GSL manual]: A general rectangular MxN matrix A has a singular value decomposition (SVD) into the product of an MxN orthogonal matrix U , an NxN diagonal matrix of singular values S and the transpose of an NxN orthogonal square matrix V , A = U S V^T The singular values Si = Sii are all non-negative and are generally chosen to form a non-increasing sequence S1, S2...Sn . The singular value decomposition of a matrix has many practical uses. The condition number of the matrix is given by the ratio of the largest singular value to the smallest singular value. The presence of a zero singular value indicates that the matrix is singular. The number of non-zero singular values indicates the rank of the matrix. In practice singular value decomposition of a rank-deficient matrix will not produce exact zeroes for singular values, due to finite numerical precision. Small singular values should be edited by choosing a suitable tolerance. (svd A V S)

[from the GSL manual]: This function factorizes the MxN matrix A into the singular value decomposition A = U S V^T . On output the matrix U is returned. The diagonal elements of the singular value matrix S are stored in the vector S . The singular values are non-negative and form a non-increasing sequence from S1 to SN . The matrix V contains the elements of V in untransposed form. To form the product U S V^T it is necessary to take the transpose of V . This routine uses the Golub-Reinsch SVD algorithm. Example:
  (setq a [[1 2][3 4][5 6]]) 
  (setq v (double-matrix 2 2)) 
  (setq s (double-matrix 2)) 
  (svd a v s) LU decomposition

[from the GSL manual] A general square matrix A has an LU decomposition into upper and lower triangular matrices, PA = LU , where P is a permutation matrix, L is unit lower triangular matrix and U is upper triangular matrix. For square matrices this decomposition can be used to convert the linear system Ax = b into a pair of triangular systems Ly = P b, U x = y , which can be solved by forward and back-substitution. Note that the LU decomposition is valid for singular matrices.

The following functions factorize the square matrix a into the LU decomposition PA = LU . On output the diagonal and upper triangular part of the argument lu contain the matrix U, and the lower triangular part (excluding the diagonal) contains L. The diagonal elements of L are unity, and are not stored. The permutation matrix P is encoded in the permutation argument p , which is an idx1 of int. The j-th column of the matrix P is given by the k-th column of the identity matrix, where k = pj the j-th element of the permutation vector. The sign of the permutation is returned as an int. It has the value (-1)^q , where q is the number of interchanges in the permutation. The algorithm used in the decomposition is Gaussian Elimination with partial pivoting (Golub & Van Loan, Matrix Computations, Algorithm 3.4.1). (lu-decomp a p lu)

Compute LU decomposition of real square matrix a , put result in lu , and permutation in p , which must an idx1 of int. The parity of the permutation is returned as an int. (lu-decomp-complex a p lu)

Compute LU decomposition of real square matrix a , put result in lu , and permutation in p , which must an idx1 of int. The parity of the permutation is returned as an int. Cholesky decomposition

[from the GSL manual] A symmetric, positive definite square matrix A has a Cholesky decomposition into a product of a lower triangular matrix L and its transpose LT , A=LL' This is sometimes referred to as taking the square-root of a matrix. The Cholesky decomposition can only be carried out when all the eigenvalues of the matrix are positive. This decomposition can be used to convert the linear system Ax = b into a pair of triangular systems (Ly = b, LT x = y) , which can be solved by forward and back-substitution. (cholesky-decomp A)

This function factorizes the positive-definite square matrix A into the Cholesky decomposition A = LL' and returns the results. In the returned matrix, the diagonal and lower triangular part contain the matrix L . The upper triangular part contains L' , the diagonal terms being identical for both L and L' . If the matrix is not positive-definite then the decomposition fails and the function returns nil. solution of linear systems.
(packages/libnum/linalgebra.lsh) (solve-sv a b)

This function solves a (possibly non-square) system A x = b in the least-square sense using the singular value decomposition. (solve-hh a b)

This function solves the system A x = b using the Householder transformations. The solution is returned. (solve-lu a b)

This function solves the system A x = b using the LU decomposition. The solution is returned. (solve-lu-complex a b)

This function solves the complex system A x = b using the LU decomposition. The solution is returned. matrix inverse
(packages/libnum/linalgebra.lsh) (inverse-lu a)

return the inverse of square matrix a , computed using LU decomposition. (inverse-lu-complex a)

return the inverse of square complex matrix a , computed using LU decomposition. matrix determinant
(packages/libnum/linalgebra.lsh) (determinant-lu a)

return the determinant of square matrix a , computed using LU decomposition. (determinant-lu-complex a)

return the determinant of square complex matrix a , computed using LU decomposition. (log-determinant-lu a)

return the log of the determinant of square matrix a , computed using LU decomposition. (log-determinant-lu-complex a)

return the log of the determinant of square complex matrix a , computed using LU decomposition. (sign-determinant-lu a)

return the sign of the determinant of square matrix a , computed using LU decomposition. (sign-determinant-lu-complex a)

return the log of the determinant of square complex matrix a , computed using LU decomposition. low-level functions
(packages/libnum/linalgebra.lsh) eigenvalues, eigenvectors
(packages/libnum/linalgebra.lsh) (eigen-symm-inplace m eigenval)

Compute eigenvalues of symmetric real matrix m . The eigenvalues sorted in descending order are written in eigenval . The content of the input matrix is destroyed. (eigen-symmv-inplace m eigenvec eigenval)

Compute eigenvectors and eigenvalues of symmetric matrix m . The eigenvectors are written into eigenvec (each column is an eigenvector). The eigenvalues are written into eigenval . Eigenvalues and eigenvectors are sorted in descending order. The content of the lower triangle of m is destroyed in the process. (eigen-herm-inplace m eigenvec eigenval)

Compute eigenvalues of Hermitian complex matrix m (NxNx2 matrix). Vector of sorted eigenvalues is returned. The content of the input matrix m is destroyed. (eigen-hermv-inplace m eigenvec eigenval)

Compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors of Hermitian complex matrix m . The eigenvalues and eigenvectors are sorted in descending order. The content of the input matrix m is destroyed. Each column of eigenvec is an eigenvector. m and eigenvec must be idx3 of doubles (idx2 of complex), and eigenval and idx1 of doubles. matrix decompositions
(packages/libnum/linalgebra.lsh) (svd-inplace A V S)

[from the GSL manual]: This function factorizes the M-by-N matrix A into the singular value decomposition A = U S V^T. On output the matrix A is replaced by U. The diagonal elements of the singular value matrix S are stored in the vector S. The singular values are non-negative and form a non-increasing sequence from S_1 to S_N. The matrix V contains the elements of V in untransposed form. To form the product U S V^T it is necessary to take the transpose of V. This routine uses the Golub-Reinsch SVD algorithm. Content of matrix A is destroyed in the process. Example:
  (setq a [[1 2][3 4][5 6]])
  (setq v (double-matrix 2 2))
  (setq s (double-matrix 2))
  (svd-inplace a v s) (lu-decomp-inplace a p signum)

Compute LU decomposition of real square matrix a , put result in a , and permutation in p , which must an idx1 of int. The parity of the permutation is written in signum , which must be an idx0 of int. (lu-decomp-complex-inplace a p signum)

Compute LU decomposition of real square matrix a , put result in a , and permutation in p , which must an idx1 of int. The parity of the permutation is written in signum , which must be an idx0 of int. (cholesky-decomp-inplace a)

computes the Cholesky decomposition of symmetrix positive definite matrix a into the product of diagonal matrices: a = L L' . The cholesky decomposition is sometimes called the square root of a matrix. On output L is placed in the lower triangle of a and L' in the upper triangle. solution of linear systems.
(packages/libnum/linalgebra.lsh) (solve-sv-inplace a b x)

[adapted from the GSL manual]: This function solves the linear system A*x=b using singular value decomposition. the result vector is written in x . Matrix a is destroyed in the process. Only non-zero singular values are used in computing the solution. The parts of the solution corresponding to singular values of zero are ignored. Matrix a must have more columns than rows (the over-determined least-square solution case is not implemented by the current version of GSL). The error code of the GSL function gsl_linalg_SV_solve is returned. (solve-hh-inplace a b)

This function solves the system A x = b in-place using Householder transformations. On input b should contain the right-hand side, which is replaced by the solution on output. The matrix a is destroyed by the Householder transformations. Example:
(setq a [[1 2][3 4]])
= [[ 1.00  2.00 ]
   [ 3.00  4.00 ]]
? (setq b [4 4])
= [ 4.00  4.00 ]
? (solve-hh a b)
= 0
? b
= [-4.00  4.00 ] (solve-lu-inplace a b)

This function solves the system A*x=b using LU decomposition. the result is put in b on output. Matrix a is also destroyed in the process. (solve-lu-complex-inplace a b)

This function solves the complex system A*x=b using LU decomposition. the result is put in b on output. Matrix a is also destroyed in the process. matrix inverse
(packages/libnum/linalgebra.lsh) (inverse-lu-inplace a i)

This function computes the inverse of a matrix a using LU decomposition, storing the result in the matrix i . The inverse is computed by solving the system A*x=b for each column of the identity matrix. It is preferable to avoid direct computation of the inverse whenever possible. (inverse-lu-complex-inplace a i)

This function computes the inverse of a matrix a using LU decomposition, storing the result in the matrix i . The inverse is computed by solving the system A*x=b for each column of the identity matrix. It is preferable to avoid direct computation of the inverse whenever possible. matrix determinant
(packages/libnum/linalgebra.lsh) (determinant-lu-inplace a)

compute the determinant of a matrix a using LU decomposition. Matrix a is destroyed in the process. (determinant-lu-complex-inplace a)

compute the determinant of a matrix a using LU decomposition. Matrix a is destroyed in the process. (log-determinant-lu-inplace a)

compute the log of the absolute value of the determinant of real matrix a using LU decomposition. This function should be used when the regular determinant function would cause an overflow or underflow. Matrix a is destroyed in the process. (log-determinant-lu-complex-inplace a)

compute the log of the absolute value of the determinant of real matrix a using LU decomposition. This function should be used when the regular determinant function would cause an overflow or underflow. Matrix a is destroyed in the process. (sign-determinant-lu-inplace a)

compute the log of the absolute value of the determinant of real matrix a using LU decomposition. This function should be used when the regular determinant function would cause an overflow or underflow. Matrix a is destroyed in the process. (sign-determinant-lu-complex-inplace a)

compute the log of the absolute value of the determinant of real matrix a using LU decomposition. This function should be used when the regular determinant function would cause an overflow or underflow. Matrix a is destroyed in the process. interfacing other GSL linear algebra functions to Lush

A simple set of macros is provided to allow calling GSL functions that manipulate vectors and matrices from Lush. GSL accesses vectors and matrice data through a set of access structures that are similar to Lush's IDX but slightly different. Before calling a GSL function from Lush, one must create these structures. Here is a simple example of how to call GSL's linear system solver using householder decomposition:
(de solve-hh-inplace (a b)
  ((-idx2- (-double-)) a)
  ((-idx1- (-double-)) b)
  (let ((ret 0))
    ((-int-) ret)
    #{{ gsl_matrix ga;
        gsl_vector gb;
        $ret = gsl_linalg_HH_svx(&ga,&gb);
    }#} ret))
The macros IDX2GSL_MATRIX and IDX2GSL_VECTOR take a Lush IDX and fill up a corresponding gsl_matrix and gsl_vector respectively. The GSL function gsl_linalg_HH_svx can then be called. There is no need for a back-conversion to IDX since only the data is manipulated by the call, and not the access structures. IDX2GSL_VECTOR(idx1,gslvector,type)

a C macro that converts a Lush IDX structure idx1 describing a vector (an idx1) into a GSL vector (a gsl_vector structure). type is the numerical type (e.g. float, double, int...). example: IDX2GSL_VECTOR($b,gb,double); IDX2GSL_MATRIX(idx2,gslmatrix,type)

a C macro that converts a Lush IDX structure idx2 describing a matrix (an idx2) into a GSL matrix (a gsl_matrix structure). type is the numerical type (e.g. float, double, int...). example: IDX2GSL_MATRIX($a,ga,double); IDX2GSL_VECTOR_COMPLEX(idx2,gslvectorcomplex,type)

a C macro that converts a Lush IDX structure idx2 describing a vector of complex (an idx2 whose 2nd dimension is 2) into a GSL vector of complex (a gsl_vector_complex structure). type is the numerical type (float or double). example: IDX2GSL_VECTOR_COMPLEX($b,gb,double); IDX2GSL_MATRIX_COMPLEX(idx3,gslmatrixcomplex,type)

a C macro that converts a Lush IDX structure idx3 describing a matrix (an idx3 whose last dimension is 2) into a GSL complex matrix (a gsl_matrix_complex structure). type is the numerical type (float or double). example: IDX2GSL_MATRIX_COMPLEX($a,ga,double); IDX2GSL_PERMUTATION(idx1,gslpermutation)

a C macro that converts a Lush IDX structure idx1 describing a vector of integers into a GSL permutation (a gsl_permutation structure). example: IDX2GSL_PERMUTATION($b,gb);