(packages/opencv/snake.lsh) |
dummy function that adds OpenCV C header files in C file (cvSnakeImage src points length alpha beta gamma coeffusage win criteria calcgradient)
(packages/opencv/snake.lsh) |
// Name: cvSnakeImage
// Purpose: Updates active contour in order to minimize its cummulative (internal
// and external) energy.
// Context:
// Parameters:
// src - source image that represent external energy.
// points - array of points in the snake.
// length - number of points
// alpha, beta, gamma - weights of different energy components
// coeffUsage - if it is CV_ARRAY then previous three parameters are array of
// <length> elements, otherwise each of them is a pointer to
// scalar values.
// win - half-size of search window.
// criteria - termination criteria.
// calcGradient - if not 0, the function uses magnitude of the source image gradient
// as external energy, otherwise the source image pixel values
// are just used for this purpose.
// Returns:
// Notes:
OPENCVAPI void cvSnakeImage( IplImage* src, CvPoint* points,
int length, float* alpha,
float* beta, float* gamma,
CvCoeffType coeffUsage, CvSize win,
CvTermCriteria criteria, int calcGradient CV_DEFAULT(1));