
dummy function that adds OpenCV C header files in C file (cvHoughLines image rho theta threshold lines linenum)

 //    Name:    cvHoughLines
 //    Purpose:
 //      Function detects lines on a binary raster image
 //    Context:
 //    Parameters:
 //      image       - input image
 //      rho         - resolution in rho(the minimum difference between two values)
 //      theta       - resolution in theta(the minimum difference between two values)
 //      threshold   - the pixels number which is enough to plot a line through
 //      lines       - output parameters of a line
 //                    i line is rho = lines[2*i], theta = lines[2*i + 1]
 //      linesNumber - 2*linesNumber is the size of the lines buffer
 //    Returns:
 //    Notes:
 //      the Standard Hough Transform is used in the function
 OPENCVAPI  int  cvHoughLines( IplImage* image, double rho, double theta, int threshold,
                               float* lines, int linesNumber ); (cvHoughLinesP image rho theta threshold linelen linegap lines linenum)

 //    Name:    cvHoughLinesP
 //    Purpose:
 //      Function detects lines on a binary raster image
 //    Context:
 //    Parameters:
 //      image       - input image
 //      rho         - resolution in rho(the minimum difference between two values)
 //      theta       - resolution in theta(the minimum difference between two values)
 //      threshold   - the pixels number which is enough to plot a line through
 //      lineLength  - the minimum accepted length of lines
 //      lineGap     - the maximum accepted gap in a line(in pixels)
 //      lines       - output parameters of a line
 //                      the i line starts in x1 = lines[4*i], y1 = lines[4*i + 1] and
 //                      finishes in x2 = lines[4*i + 2], y2 = lines[4*i + 3]
 //      linesNumber - 4*linesNumber is the size of lines buffer
 //      linesToFind - the maximum number of lines to detect
 //    Returns:
 //      The number of found lines
 //    Notes:
 //    The Progressive Probabilistic Hough Transform is implemented in the function. It
 //      searches for linesToFind number of lines, taking only those that contain more than
 //      lineLength pixels and return. Effectively detects long lines on an image with
 //      strong noise.
 OPENCVAPI  int  cvHoughLinesP( IplImage* image, double rho, double theta, int threshold,
                             int lineLength, int lineGap, int* lines, int linesNumber ); (cvHoughLinesSDiv image rho srn theta stn threshold lines linenum)

 //    Name:    cvHoughLinesSDiv
 //    Purpose:
 //      Function detects lines on a binary raster image
 //    Context:
 //    Parameters:
 //      image       - input image
 //      rho         - rough resolution in rho(the minimum difference between two values)
 //      srn         - the scale factor of a rough rho resolution to a high one
 //      theta       - rough resolution in theta(the minimum difference between two values)
 //      stn         - the scale factor of a rough theta resolution to a high one
 //      threshold   - the pixels number which is enough to plot a line through
 //      lines       - output parameters of a line
 //                      i line is rho = lines[2*i], theta = lines[2*i + 1]
 //      linesNumber - 2*linesNumber is the size of the lines buffer
 //    Returns:
 //      the number of lines found
 //    Notes:
 //    the Standard Hough Transform is used in the function
 OPENCVAPI  int  cvHoughLinesSDiv( IplImage* image, double rho, int srn,
                                   double theta, int stn, int threshold,
                                   float* lines, int lines_number );