
dummy function that adds OpenCV C header files in C file (cvThreshold src dst thresh maxvalue type)

 //    Name:    cvThreshold
 //    Purpose: Applies fixed threshold to the grayscale image
 //    Context:
 //    Parameters:
 //      src     - source image
 //      dst     - destination image (can be the same as the source image)
 //      threshold - threshold value
 //      maxValue  - the maximum value of the image pixel
 //      type      - thresholding type, must be one of
 //                  CV_THRESH_BINARY       - val =(val > Thresh ? maxValue : 0)
 //                  CV_THRESH_BINARY_INV   - val =(val > Thresh ? 0   : maxValue)
 //                  CV_THRESH_TOZERO       - val =(val > Thresh ? val : 0)
 //                  CV_THRESH_TOZERO_INV   - val =(val > Thresh ? 0   : val)
 //    Returns:
 //    Notes:
 OPENCVAPI  void  cvThreshold( const CvArr*  src, CvArr*  dst,
                               double  thresh,  double  maxValue,
                               CvThreshType type ); (cvAdaptiveThreshold src dst max-value method type block-size param1)

 //    Name:    cvAdaptiveThreshold
 //    Purpose: Applies adaptive threshold to the grayscale image
 //    Context:
 //    Parameters:
 //      src     - source image
 //      dst     - destination image
 //      max_value - the maximum value of the image pixel
 //      method    - method for the adaptive threshold calculation
                    (now CV_STDDEF_ADAPTIVE_THRESH only)
 //      type      - thresholding type, must be one of
 //                  CV_THRESH_BINARY       - val =(val > Thresh ? MAX    : 0)
 //                  CV_THRESH_BINARY_INV   - val =(val > Thresh ? 0      : MAX)
 //                  CV_THRESH_TOZERO       - val =(val > Thresh ? val    : 0)
 //                  CV_THRESH_TOZERO_INV   - val =(val > Thresh ? 0      : val)
 //      param1   - The method-dependent parameter. For the methods 
 //                 it is a constant subtracted from mean or weighted mean (see
 //                 the discussion), though it may be negative.
 //    Returns:
 //    Notes:
 OPENCVAPI  void  cvAdaptiveThreshold( const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst, double maxValue,
                                       CvAdaptiveThreshMethod method, CvThreshType type,
                                       int block_size, double param1);